Everest base camp helicopter tour and An awesome country : Nepal

Everest base camp helicopter tour and An awesome country : Nepal

Nepal trekking tricks for a fabulous trekking destination. Here are some tricks if you plan to tour Himalaya. Stay Out of the Sun Whenever Possible. The higher you go up in altitude, the lower the levels of UV Protection you are getting. Some days on the trail, the sun can be brutal, giving you solar radiation from its powerful rays. Staying out of the sun is not only good for minimizing those pesky wrinkles and avoiding skin cancer, but it can also improve your chance of being successful on the trek. When you get sunburned you become dehydrated, and back to the tip of keeping yourself hydrated, being dehydrated can cause all sorts of problems in the mountains and eventually limiting your chance of success. Of course, when you are walking during the day, there may be no cover from those potent rays, but you need to take as much care as possible to minimize those harsh emissions. The first way to protect yourself if by applying a factor 50 sunblock throughout the day. The mountain is not the place to top up that holiday tan you are hoping to bring back to work with you on your return home, when you get back to Kathmandu after the climb, you can do as you please, but while in the mountains, you need to block those harmful rays from your skin. The second way of protecting yourself is to always wear your goofy looking, yet extremely important, sun hat. Get yourself a light weight, brimmed sunhat to wear on days when the sun is shining and you will save yourself from some of the dreaded headaches you so adamantly want to avoid.

Manaslu region trekking is one of the hidden gem in the central north part of Nepal. Manaslu towering at 8167m the 8th highest peak of the world is conquered by few and acclaimed as one of the most dangerous 8000er peak. The Manaslu region trekking gives you an opportunity to walk through one of the most varied landscape due to it’s wide altitude variation. The trek starts from Arughat which is at mere 500m and goes to the elevation of Larkya pass at 5143m. You experience the sub tropical climate to the high mountain climate in one trek. At the end of your trek you also traverse through the section of Manaslu circuit trek making it an ace. The journey is full of scenic locations, beautiful villages, rich Tibetan influenced culture and amazing mountain views. The Manaslu region trek can be done directly through the Larkya or visiting the isolated and sacred villages of Tsum valley. It requires a special permit to get in this region which is still far away from the modern civilization. We can see the Buddhist monasteries, Mani walls, prayer flags all along our way. The region is attracting more visitors in recent years. However, the authenticity and the unmatchable panorama is still intact which the visitors get to see still today. Manaslu region trek is certainly a great way to see diverse Nepal and soak in it’s pure form.

Top advices : Help save the environment and your pocket book. Just fill water as you go for free anywhere and purify it yourself. Steripens work great using ultraviolet light to purify water in 30 seconds.

Everest region is rich in flora and fauna. There are quiet diverse since the region ranges in altitude from less than 2000 meters above sea level at Jiri to the high peaks of the Himalaya at over 8000 meters. Up to 4000 meters you will find dense stands of forest including pine, oak and the spectacular flowering rhododendrons. The crop under cultivation will depend on the season that you visit but expect to see wheat, barley, corn and potatoes at some stage. Domesticated animals will range from cattle, buffalo, goats and pigs to the all-purpose beast of mountains-the yak.

Amongst all, autumn is regarded as the best to trek in Nepal as the skies are clear and you can find the better views of Himalayas and hills embellished with exotic flora. You will also get a chance to relish the major festival of Nepalese during this season; Dashain and Tihar, when families reunite and celebrate with great jubilation. Spring boasts enchanting floral display whereas even other seasons are viable for trekking. Rain-shadowed areas of Mustang and Dolpo allow for travellers to relish their majesty all over the year. Treks in Nepal are bound to reward you with unparalleled natural beauty alongside supreme cultural exhibition all over the country. Thus, Nepal is truly a land of divine culture and exotic natural beauty and a perfect destination to experience the thrill of trekking in the lap of humongous Himalayas. Read more details https://www.frolicadventure.com/trek-in-nepal.

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