Dog harness online store by

Dog harness online store by

Best dog harness online store? Some dogs, especially those who are lacking proper canine-social training, behave rudely to other dogs, like an overly aggressive child who thinks their shoving and hitting is just playful behavior. Much like many parents would look at their child being aggressive and think they are just being friendly, aggressive, and rude behavior by dogs is typically due to perceiving it as excitement and friendliness. All this does is enable the dog to continue behavior poorly and promote this type of behavior in the future. Owners need to recognize that if their dog is rude to another, the other dog will react aggressively. Many owners wrongly interpret this as the other dog being needlessly aggressive, when it is actually their own pup that’s the problem. Many adult dogs will be patient with puppies when their antics get aggressive, but they put up with this behavior from an adult dog a lot less frequently.

Much like a human that is sick, dogs tend to lose their appetite when they are ailing. They may also consume less water, or conversely, depending on their condition, they may drink significantly more, while not eating much. Because the pain is much more present when awake, dogs will often be asleep for notably longer than usual. Sleep does help to heal pain, just like in human bodies, so dogs instinctively take advantage of the downtime when they don’t have to consciously deal with bothersome pain. If your dog is typically an affectionate animal, but then one day it is not by keeping its distance, keep a closer eye on the pup’s condition, and maybe get them checked out.

Holidays are a time to spend with family and our pets are doubtlessly members of our families. Many pet owners therefore like finding fun ways to incorporate pets into holiday activities or even preparing activities specifically designed for our pets. It’s a time to laugh, share the goings on in our lives, and remember how nice it is to spend time with our special people, but our special animal friends have other ways that they can be made to feel special, important, and loved. During the holidays we purchase gifts for our pets and include them in holiday photos, but many owners want to find ways beyond the things they would have done regardless of their pets to do in order to make the animal members of their family feel like there is something dedicated to them. For those pet-parents who want to have some ideas for something special, we put together a list of 7 fun ways to celebrate the holidays with your pets. Discover more information on dog collars online store.

Researchers have found that people who live in the present are more content and less stressed (both emotionally and physically) than people who are constantly thinking about the future or holding onto the past. When you’re not worrying about the future (even the immediate future) your brain can focus more on the task at hand allowing you to be more productive. You appreciate what’s going on around you because you’re paying more attention and just taking it all in. Stop and smell the roses and all that. Unless we’re uber excited about something that has happened in our lives, we tend to suppress our excitement and act cool. Why? Why not take a cue from our furry friend and fully express your joy? Jump up and down, let that big grin loose, run in circles, shout your excitement, hug and kiss a loved one. Excitement increases your endorphins which helps to reduce the feeling of stress by creating a feeling of euphoria and well being. So, go ahead, wag that tail and let it all out!

Every venture has an origin, and PetPonia is no different. Back in 2015, I encountered and fell in love with a beautiful pup in a local shelter. She was all sorts of ‘pawesome’ and stole my heart from the get-go! Her unconditional love was my driving inspiration to start helping rescue dogs and rescue operations as much as I could. In my efforts to assist, PetPonia was born. PetPonia’s mission has, from its very onset, been to offer dog owners high-quality products for their beloved four-legged counterparts, while promoting the adoption of rescue dogs and assisting animal organizations. How much help we can offer these great efforts is unlimited, especially with your help! While your pup enjoys the products you purchased from us, you will know that every purchase made is helping a rescue dog find their forever home. Find more info on