Hong Kong National Investment and Harvard University Stem Cell Institute have a strong cooperation. Mr. Brock Reeve, CEO of Harvard Stem Cell Research Institute, is the Chief Investment Officer of Stem Cell and Regenerative Medisun at National Investment and Medici Medical Group. 2015-05-11 China Securities Journal On May 8, 2015,Read More →

The International Forum on Heart Failure and Stem Cell Therapies Focus on C-Cure Technology and Launch Ceremony of Phase III Multisite Clinical Trial in China was held jointly by six organizations including Experts Committee of China Council for Medicine International Promotion, National Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Industrial Technology InnovationRead More →

Cardio3 BioSciences teams up with Medisun International to create Cardio3 BioSciences Asia Holdings Ltd, a Joint Venture aimed at conducting pivotal clinical programs in Greater China • The minimum of 20M€ funding of the Joint Venture over the next three years is secured by local financial investors led by HongRead More →

Élodie D’Ambrosio : Une Étoile Montante de l’Animation Le monde de l’animation est en pleine effervescence avec l’émergence de jeunes talents prometteurs. Parmi eux, Élodie D’Ambrosio se distingue comme une étudiante remarquée de l’École des Gobelins, une institution réputée pour former les meilleurs artistes dans le domaine de l’animation. SonRead More →