Learn to play ukulele by learningtheukulele.com? Practicing directly with your fingers can be hard when you have just stepped into the game. To keep things easy and professional you get durable picks that are made with perfect measurements to produce best sound. With two different colors to choose from, useRead More →

The Prodigal Son and other spiritual videos? Jesus had his specific audience, a mixture of “sinners” and “righteous,” in mind when he told these three stories. Jesus was prompted to tell these parables because the Pharisees and teachers of the law were accusing him of welcoming sinners and eating withRead More →

Parent advice for mothers with Sweetiemom? The Little Balance Box 2-in-1 is completely unique and unlike other walkers. First, this “walker” does not have any wheels but instead has spring feet. No other walker like this exists on the market. Help your baby with a more natural transition from sittingRead More →