Heart centered learning benefits

Heart centered learning benefits

Meditation courses strategies today, a popular topic, and we will bring this up again as a high quality personal health course is starting in December 2019, i’m talking about Body Bedrock course.

A review study last year at Johns Hopkins looked at the relationship between mindfulness meditation and its ability to reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and pain. Researcher Madhav Goyal and his team found that the effect size of meditation was moderate, at 0.3. If this sounds low, keep in mind that the effect size for antidepressants is also 0.3, which makes the effect of meditation sound pretty good. Meditation is, after all an active form of brain training. “A lot of people have this idea that meditation means sitting down and doing nothing,” says Goyal. “But that’s not true. Meditation is an active training of the mind to increase awareness, and different meditation programs approach this in different ways.” Meditation isn’t a magic bullet for depression, as no treatment is, but it’s one of the tools that may help manage symptoms.

One study on the therapeutic qualities of meditation revealed that: Regular practitioners who participated in the retreat without any pay were more self-content than non-meditators. Beginners who practiced meditation for 1-2 months showed improvement in physical and mental health than non-meditators who practiced for the same duration. Beginners and regular meditators showed increased signs of happiness and heightened self-esteem when they were randomly assigned to meditation sessions rather than when they received alternate forms of therapy. Read extra info on Meditation course.

Do you know someone who has struggled with addiction? One of the most beautiful effects of meditation is that it can help people overcome powerful addictions. One fascinating study found that Vipassana meditation can be incredibly effective at helping people overcoming alcohol and drug related addictions, and similar effects have been found for various types of meditation.

Body Bedrock distills traditional medicine into basic health habits. We use ancient wisdom and modern science to drill down into the core of what makes you healthy and we unearth the solid foundations you can always fall back on to create health. Source: https://www.healingcircletm.com/.