Felony assault domestic violence defense lawyer in Omaha 2022

Felony assault domestic violence defense lawyer in Omaha 2022

Top rated self defense lawyer in Omaha? If you are one of the tens of thousands of people arrested and charged with a crime each year in Nebraska, you may face an uncertain future. While you can’t change the past or predict the future, you can hire Omaha criminal defense attorney Greg Nelson to help make the best of this difficult and overwhelming situation. An experienced attorney can guide you through this confusing process, protect your rights, and possibly have your charges dropped or reduced. It’s imperative that you contact one as soon as possible after your arrest in order to get the most out of the services they have to offer. See extra information at attorney Greg Nelson

How to discover a good criminal defense attorney? A criminal defense attorney is a type of lawyer who specializes in criminal law, focusing on protecting your legal rights and ensuring the rights laid out in the United States Constitution continue to be upheld as they were intended. It is critical to understand the importance of having legal representation on your side if you are facing criminal charges. Many convictions may lead to criminal fines and jail time, so a criminal defense attorney will conduct research to fight against your charges and provide representation in criminal court if needed.

To know what type of penalties you might face and your defense options, always seek help from a domestic violence defense attorney in Omaha immediately following an arrest. Along with a criminal case for domestic violence often comes a request for a protective order. While this is a separate matter from your criminal charges, your defense attorney can handle this process, as well. A protective order can restrict your life for many years, so never ignore this aspect of a domestic violence case.

Mr. Nelson received his undergraduate degree from Creighton University in 1996 and law degree from the University of Kansas in 1999. He worked as a prosecutor in Kansas and Nebraska for six years and has practiced as a criminal defense attorney in Nebraska since 2004. Mr. Nelson is a member of the Omaha Bar Association, Nebraska Bar Association and Nebraska Criminal Defense Attorney’s Association. He is married with two children.

Providing Guidance and Representation During Criminal Process: No matter which direction you decide to take your case, you will need legal guidance throughout the process. Part of your attorney’s job is to assist with the steps in the legal process. For instance, you will be required to attend several court hearings. Your lawyer will be present at each one to explain your role in these hearings and your rights. You may or may not need to speak in front of the judge, but they will prepare you for it just in case, so you are ready. Read even more details on attorney Greg Nelson.