Graphic design Wiltshire

Graphic design Wiltshire

Searching for branding Bristol? We have a answer for you and also some comments on the web design industry trends for 2019 and beyond.

Variable Fonts currently doesn’t have enough browser support but should be on our list of skills to learn. Variable Fonts are the evolution of the OpenType font specification. One font file can contain multiple variations of the typeface. Using CSS it is possible to access these variations and animate transitions between styles. In this example we can see a variable font which we can modify the parameters of for weight and serif, allowing us to not only create animations but multiple variations of the font. We can generically animate the font axes in CSS, by compressing or expanding it, but its other properties (those which refer to its morphology) will be decided by the font designer. A good example is Decovar a multi-style decorative variable font by David Berlow, which is designed to parametrize multiple properties.

Micro-interactions are events with one purpose: to surprise the user and create an event that is inviting and human. Every time you take a small action on a website or app and there is a specific response to it, this is a micro-interaction. When you refresh a Twitter page and hear a beep, this is a micro-interaction. Or when you check Facebook, the red icon displaying your message count is—you guessed it— a micro-interaction. These have been the most common uses of them, but in 2019, web pages will heavily feature their more interactive incarnations. Hover and scrolling animations, chimes, and much more. All in all, this is a way to involve your audience in your website, to subtly transmit information to the users about their actions and usage, and make web pages feel a little smarter.

Three-dimensional renderings are providing an update to flat design. The result is a mash-up of 3D realistic and flat interfaces that are complex, visually interesting and showing up everywhere. It’s like a touch of virtual reality in designs that don’t require anything special to look at. When you look deeper into the trend, a lot of what make it work are depth in layers plus animation. (See how multiple design trends impact one another?) Some people are starting to call this concept “deep flat.” But we just think it is a natural evolution of flat design.

We have a lovely studio in Chippenham, near Bath, in Wiltshire. Where we we all thoroughly enjoy our work and it appears that many people like our work too! We have recently been recognised as one of the best design studios in the South West through Bristol Media, and we are extremely proud of not only our work but all the great brands and people will work with – and very pleased and grateful to be able to help with their design needs.

Services and packages : SEO – we can help your website grow and climb up the rankings on Google; PPC – Making sure that your website is seen at the top of Google for your desired searches; Content marketing – create blog posts, eBooks, anything and everything to help your business grow and fill your website with great and interesting content; Social media – we can help your reach and following grow by managing your social media accounts effectively. Read more at graphic design agency Bristol.