Bathroom cleaning company Pune, India by

Bathroom cleaning company Pune, India by

Office cleaning company Pune 2024: Set aside some time for cleaning and organising. You need to also make sure that there is a reserved dedicated time to do so rather than attempting to do everything at once. Another option you can take is to organise a small area and after a period expand to a bigger area. Limit your plans to what you want to achieve. Is your intention to de-clutter and organise everything at once, or just a specific portion? Do you want to create a specific type of storage solution, or get rid of a certain number of items? Having clear goals will help you stay active and motivated. Read even more details at Sofa cleaning services in Pune.

Curtains should be washed at least twice a year, but you can give them a light vacuuming with an attachment once a month. Regular vacuuming and dusting can be done once a week. Much like in the living room, keeping linens clean will be the most important task in your bedrooms. You’ll want to wipe down things like baseboards, ceiling fans and other surfaces, but Marvel Maids points out that you and your family members spend an awful lot of time sleeping on your sheets, so keeping them clean is job number one. “Washing your sheets weekly is more important than the rest,” she says. “It’s the best way to keep germs and allergens away — especially considering all of the hours you spend sleeping in bed throughout the week.” Marvel Maids agrees and adds that washing your pillows in the washing machine keeps them clean and will also fluff them back up nicely after a few months of being slept on. “Be sure to use the fastest spin cycle so that as much water is wrung out as possible before putting the pillow in the dryer,” Marvel Maids says.

Activated charcoal is an absorbent material that can be used to remove odours from your couch. In order to apply activated charcoal, you need to place it in your bowl and leave it there for a couple of days. The activated charcoal will be able to remove any odours that are trapped within the fabric of your couch. Some essential oils can be used to mask odour and remove the foul smell and make your couch smell fresh. When applying essential oils, add a few drops to water in a spray bottle and spray it over the affected parts of your couch. Some good essential oils you can apply include lavender, eucalyptus and peppermint. Read more details at

Use a flip flop to remove pet hair: Not got any washing up gloves? Using a (clean!) rubber flip-flop on your furnishings will work just as well. It’s especially useful if (like us) you’re constantly losing flip-flops and end up with odd ones. Use a coffee filter to clean glass or mirrors easily: Ah coffee – you’re the thing that gets us out of bed, and now we’ve discovered you offer so much more. Smarten up grubby windows without any chemicals – just give them a sweep with a clean coffee filter. It works like magic.

We have a fabulous suggestion for you! And also some cleaning tricks … Carpet is often found in “high-traffic” areas, such as living rooms, bedrooms, and finished basements simply because it is the most invisibly durable type of floor covering. Plus, if you have kids, carpet is always the wiser choice since it creates a slip-free surface and an artificial padding for rambunctious children. Not only does it cushion your feet, it can also soften the acoustics of the room, making for less echoes and noise. But even though it is durable, it still needs to be well-preserved in order for it to last. Understanding and completing basic carpet maintenance is the only way to ensure clean, safe, and beautiful floors for many years to come.

Anti-microbial treatment: The cleaning itself will kill most mold, mildew, yeast and other microbes, but it is practically impossible to kill all of them. The anti-microbial treatment creates a hostile environment for these microbes to reproduce and spread and will help control odor problems, extend the carpet’s useful life, and provide considerable relief to allergy sufferers. Anti-static treatment: Static electricity often becomes annoying in the winter, when heating systems dry out the air in our homes. Carpet manufacturers have responded by developing new finishes, fibers, and backings that prevent the build-up of static electricity. If you are having a problem with your carpet, the easiest, best, and healthiest remedy is to increase humidity with a humidifier.