Affordable housekeeping Calgary Cleanersmaid

Affordable housekeeping Calgary Cleanersmaid

1st i will discuss about Calgary, the place where my cleaning company operates. Calgary is an amazing town. In the foothills of the mountains to the west of the city, rise the strange-looking towers of Calgary Olympic Park. In 1988, this was the primary site for the XV Olympic Winter Games. Today, the hill is still open to skiing and snowboarding, and there are opportunities to bob sled, zip-line, toboggan, and mountain bike. Guided Ski Jump Tower Tours give a panoramic view of the Calgary skyline from the top of the ski-jump slope. Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame is located in the park as well.

Looking like a whimsical copper castle, this fabulous new museum is entirely entertaining, taking you on a ride through Canada’s musical history with cool artifacts (like the guitar Guess Who used to record ‘American Woman’) and interactive displays. Test your skill at the drums, electric guitar or in a sound-recording room and even create your own instruments. Don’t miss the Body Phonic room or the solar-powered Skywalk with its repurposed pianos destroyed in the 2013 flood.

Now lets discuss about cleaning guides: That grime stuck to your cookie sheets and frying pans is no match for your dryer sheets. Simply put your dirty pan or sheet in your sink with a little dish soap, warm water, and a dryer sheet and let the combo sit for an hour or two; when you’re ready to pour out the water, the mess will easily wipe away. Cleaning wipes are both cost-effective and time-saving, but only when used properly. So what is the right way to use a cleaning wipe? Well, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), you should let a disinfected surface remain wet for approximately 3 to 5 minutes before patting it dry in order to ensure the proper removal of germs. And though it’s convenient to use a single wipe all over the house, you should only use one wipe per surface so as to avoid cross-contamination.

Your vacuum’s agitator brush and exhaust whip up dust that eventually settles on the surfaces you’ve just cleaned. Filter out some of that dust before it settles by switching your thermostat to ‘fan on.’ This turns on the blower inside your furnace and filters the air even while the system isn’t heating or cooling. Leave the blower on for about 15 minutes after you’re done cleaning forhow to remove dust from air. But don’t forget to switch it back to ‘auto.’ Most blowers aren’t designed to run constantly. Plus: Here are 8 simple furnace fixes you can do yourself.

Professional housecleaner Maggie Orth likes to make her own cleaning products. Here’s her recipe for an all-purpose cleaning solution, modified from a recipe she found in the book Clean House, Clean Planet by Karen Logan (available from In a 5-quart bucket, mix 1 cup of distilled vinegar, 3 tablespoons of borax, 1 gallon of hot water and 1/2 cup of soap (Maggie uses Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds). Maggie likes to add 10 or 15 drops of tea tree, lavender or lemon oil for a nice fragrance. Mix the ingredients and then pour some of the mixture into a spray bottle. Save the rest in a gallon jug. The raw ingredients will set you back $25 to $30, but you’ll have enough to last for years! Use this mixture to clean tile, countertops and painted woodwork. It’s a good all-purpose cleaner, but it’s not the best for cleaning glass. Maggie uses club soda to clean glass. For extra info see the video here : Professional Cleaners in Calgary.