Play Sprint Vector Arcade at VR arcade in Toronto

Play Sprint Vector Arcade at VR arcade in Toronto

Virtual reality games playing is the utilization of a three-dimensional (3-D) artificial environment to computer games. Virtual reality environments are created with VR programs and presented to the player in such a way that they overlap the real-world environment, creating suspension of disbelief and helping the user experience the VR environment as real. You can play VR games at home but, usually, the hardware that are available for regular individual clients is not very good. Good VR equipment is expensive , that’s why there are gaming firms that offers VR play on extremely good equipment. Think about it like the today’s internet caffee’s of the past.

Virtual reality (VR) is no longer a niche. VR applications are evolving fast, and they are penetrating in many industry sectors. From healthcare to the automotive industry, VR is changing the way things are done, and expectations for the future remain high. This is particularly true for video games. So how high are these expectations? IDC predicts that the virtual and augmented reality market will dramatically expand from just over $9 billion last year to $215 billion by 2021. That incredible 118% compound annual growth rate would make VR one of the fastest-growing industries on the planet.

Now let’s talk about games with VR support. Farpoint is a showcase title for the PS4’s VR capabilities and the first game to use the PS VR Aim, a gun-shaped controller specifically designed for first-person shooters. Sony says the VR Aim is capable of tracking player movements on a 1:1 scale, which creates a more realistic feel to the game’s shooting mechanics. In Farpoint, you must survive deadly enemy encounters while traversing a dangerous alien environment in an effort to discover what happened to the rest of your research team. Farpoint is a relatively short experience, but it’s still worthwhile for PlayStation owners. If you want to play VR games with your friends in Toronto you may want to check LevelupReality. Read more details at VR Arcade.

Archangel is a mech shooter that includes a single-player story campaign for the PS4 and PC versions of the game. This campaign places you in the cockpit of a building-size mech in an on-rails experience best played while seated. You’ll control the mech’s two arms and an array of weapons for dispatching waves of incoming enemies. When things get a little close quarters, you can swing your mech mitts around and swat the bad guys away. The PC version offers a free stand-alone competitive multiplayer mode. This also gives you full control over your mech, so you can move in all directions; a robust upgrade path; and unlockable mech chassis and skins. If you buy the campaign DLC on Steam, it’ll also unlock some goodies in the multiplayer mode.

Moss is a cute action/puzzle platformer that has you pilot a small mouse, named Quill, through a fantasy world. She must save her uncle from an evil snake that has taken over the kingdom. Moss plays best while you’re standing, as you control Quill from a distance and will need to lean in to better view her surroundings, fight enemies and jump across gaps. The game’s environments are set up like dioramas for the player to peer into, adding to the game’s storybook atmosphere. You control Quill directly using the controller’s direction buttons, but you also need motion controls to manipulate the environment and help Quill get past obstacles. This is a party game that involves one person in VR and as many people as you like outside of VR assisting the VR player in defusing a bomb. In VR, you can see and manipulate a complex explosive device using all kinds of buttons and wires. Your friends outside of VR, who can’t see the bomb, need to use an instruction manual that they can pull up on their phones or a computer screen to walk you through the defusal process. Outside players won’t even know what kind of bomb you’re looking at, so you all have to communicate as accurately as possible. And, of course, there’s a time limit.

We will transport you entirely out of your own world…and into another—whether it is walking along the edge of Everest or surviving a zombie apocalypse, your next reality is limitless. 80+ games/experiences with unlimited game changes; Includes player setup and training (10 minutes); One player per station, non-shareable Visit: