Parenting advices by Marissa Anastasi

Parenting advices by Marissa Anastasi

Motherhood recommendations by Marissa Anastasi: If you’re actively co-parenting with your kids’ Father, whether you’re still in a relationship or not, put each other first before the kids, because in doing so, by default the kids come first cause you’re all looking after each other. Care more about their heart than their outward actions, and prioritize your marriage. If it works for you then it’s not a bad habit. When it’s not working, change it. Find what works for your family and stick with that!

There’s no shortage of advice available to new moms. Between best-selling parenting books, well-meaning family and friends, and even strangers on the street, there’s plenty of advice to consider. Just sifting through the sheer amount of information that comes your way can be a daunting task—how do you know whose advice to take and whose to (respectfully) disregard? Because we’re of the mindset that honest parenting advice from real moms is one of the best resources out there, we asked the smart, insightful mothers and experts in the area of parenting to share their words of wisdom. Their comments had us nodding in agreement, laughing out loud, and looking for a pen and paper to jot down notes.

Remain objective, don’t judge. Your kids are most likely not going to dress like you did when you were a teen, wear their hair like you , listen to the same music that you did and, what’s more, you will probably not like at least part of it. Your parents likely did not like the way you dressed, the way you wore your hair or your music. It is just the way the world works. Remain objective, though and don’t judge. When you start passing judgment on your kids or on their friends, you begin alienating them. Try to keep your objectivity at all times and see your kids as the individuals that they are. Read even more details at Motherhood advices.

I remember hearing a person with their fumbly toddler, who was wandering – trying to explore and was constantly being told ‘no,’ ‘not in there,’ ‘no don’t touch that,’ and ‘no stop that.’ It was then I knew I would dread being that parent. I treat my little boy with the respect and manners to which I expect him to treat me, and others. Of course daily he tests my limits, but I’m always looking for a new way to suppress the “no” Mom that sometimes feels she could take over at any moment.

Since Kenny was born, I had been a stay at home mummy until Isabella was 4 which is when I started teaching younger kids. I done that for 2 years but after my 3rd pregnancy, I never went back and decided to become a stay at home mummy once again. Now my youngest is 5 and 6, I decided I could maybe begin something new again. And so, in Late November 2018, I opened the doors to a kid’s concept store in Larnaca town centre. It’s difficult combining family and work, and sometimes the guilt is immense, but I have a lot of support from my husband when it comes to the children. Discover even more details at