Commercial roofing replacement professional Denver

Commercial roofing replacement professional Denver

So, how do you maintain a roof? Well, the first step is simply to check up on it as often as possible, especially after a heavy storm or high winds. The good news is that you don’t have to clamber up a ladder to get a good look at your roof. Instead, all you need is a good pair of binoculars to see any potential problems. Here’s what you should look for when inspecting your roof yourself: Missing shingles, Curling shingles, Cracked shingles, Peeling flashing, Missing granules.

1st important thing is to maintain your gutter properly. Inadequate ventilation can cause mold, ice damming, and a host of other issues with your roof. As the moisture in your home rises to your attic, if it can get out, it’ll start to build up and condense, causing problems throughout your home. The Federal Housing Administration recommends at least 1 square-foot of ventilation per 300 square-feet of attic space to properly ventilate your home — a standard most homes don’t actually reach. When you have your roof inspection this year, have the inside of your attic and your vents looked at to guarantee that your house is moving air as it should. Check your exhaust and intake vents to make sure they’re free and clear of all leaves, sticks, and seeds.

Lets post about True Nature roofing Colorado Springs. There are many things you can do to prolong the life of your roofing material and prevent leaks, additional damage or even the dreaded replacement. By inspecting your roof twice yearly (and after every storm), you can easily prevent some of the top 10 most common roofing problems. Use a pair of binoculars to conduct this twice yearly exam, because even walking on your roof can cause damage. If you must get on the roof, wear rubber-soled shoes, brace the ladder, and be very careful not to slip and fall.

A roofer should make a note of any potential problems he sees during a roof inspection (such as rust appearing on flashing, or a single popped nail). If it’s not a concern today, the roofer should check in on it during his next inspection and make a note if it’s getting worse. He may consider whether it’s time to make repairs or replacements if he notices consistent or major changes. The roofer should also make a log of any repairs he completes. This will help remind both the roofer and the homeowner down the road what sections or materials are newer than others. (After four or five years, it may be difficult to recall strictly from memory!) This will also help create a roof history for the homeowners, other roofing contractors they may hire down the road, or even for future homeowners who may want to see what work has been completed over the years to maintain the roof.

Yes, that big tree that hangs over your house is perfect for summer shade and looks lovely in the fall, but come wintertime, it can pose a deadly threat. If it refuses to drop its leaves in a timely manner, the branches can weigh down with ice and snow, even cracking—slamming into your roof below. Branches that impact your roof can be devastating to the shingles, and if you don’t repair it right away, snow can seep in through cracks, and homeowners know what happens when moisture gets a hold of their home’s internal structure. Do yourself a favor and before winter rolls around, hire a professional tree service company to remove the branches that are close to your home, you and your roof won’t regret it. See extra info at Roofing contractor in Colorado Springs.