1 Click Rest API from your MS SQL database

1 Click Rest API from your MS SQL database

Create and deploy your REST Web API in minutes, no code required? A well designed API is self-documenting. If you know how to work with one REST API, you will quickly learn the quirks of others. InstantWebApi is an API-first product. I spent a lot of time on API design. My intent is to be able to hire multiple teams in parallel, giving them access to my API, and seeing which implementation I like best. They will all be compatible. I can then simply discontinue the less interesting implementation projects.

Benefits of SOAP Over REST. Still, SOAP remains the preferred protocol for certain use cases. The general consensus among experts these days is that REST is the typically preferred protocol unless there’s a compelling reason to use SOAP (and there are some cases in which SOAP is preferred). Because you can achieve most outcomes using either protocol, it’s sometimes a matter of personal preference. However, there are some use cases for which SOAP tends to be better-suited. For instance, if you need more robust security, SOAP’s support for WS-Security can come in handy. It offers some additional assurances for data privacy and integrity. It also provides support for identity verification through intermediaries rather than just point-to-point, as provided by SSL (which is supported by both SOAP and REST).

If you need to develop a REST API for a database-driven application, it’s almost irresistible not to use the database tables as REST resources, the four HTTP methods as CRUD operations, and then simply expose your thinly-wrapped database as a REST API. The problem is that one of the foundations of the REST architecture is that the client-facing representation of a resource must be independent of the underlying implementation, and implementations details should definitely not be leaked to the client, which is all too easy with the database-driven approach. It’s also important to ask yourself if an almost raw database is the best interface you can offer your API users? I mean there is already a near-perfect language for doing CRUD operations on database tables, it’s called SQL… And you probably have some business logic on top of those tables that your API users would appreciate not having to re-implement in their own code. So how do you move beyond this database-oriented thinking and closer to a more RESTful design for your API?

Code will be generated into the initial stub Visual Studio solution. At this point the solution can be build and is ready to use. The solution should contain 2 projects; one for the actual Web API and another one for Unit Tests. Using the Unit Test project you can test the quality of the Web API that was generated. The Web API project should contain a referrence to Swagger UI, that allows for clear documentation and testing of the newly created API. Build an instant database Web API now, no coding required. Generate your Web API in minutes to build applications faster. Using Entity Framework 6.2.0 and VS 2017 generate your Web API for any MS SQL database. NEW – Use Core EF to build Instant Web API! Using Core Entity Framework 2.2 and VS 2019 generate your Web API for any MS SQL database. See additional info at Instant Rest API from your MS SQL database.