CRM adoption? Data governors, is the bar so high on required data entry that it’s easier to enter none? Sales is an uncertain business, particularly at the upper edge of the “funnel”. A salesperson may not have a sense of which product(s)/service(s) a customer might be a fit for, orRead More →

High quality network management services: Keep track of your digital footprint. When you monitor your accounts, you can ensure you catch suspicious activity. Can you recall everywhere you have online accounts and what information is stored on them, like credit card numbers for easier payments? It’s important to keep trackRead More →

Looking about Brave browser info? Brave Browser guarantees to offer high-quality browsing at an expeditious speed with its best slogan of “no ad at all”. Brave browser has first released its web browser which is based on the Chromium browser. Brave browser has made the promise of fulfilling your fantasyRead More →

One of the major challenges of a rescue operation is pinpointing the location of survivors. Drone technology has been playing a massive role in this regard. Drones can fly and take pictures; it gives rescue workers aerial view, which allows them to plan a more effective rescue mission. Drone footageRead More →

Blockchain is the core technology behind parasite bitcoin and Ethereum. It reduces cost, efficiency and security of data storage by using cryptography, timestamp, distributed consensus, and economic incentives to provide decentralized peer-to-peer communication in an unreliable distributed system. It should be noted that blockchain technology itself is not a revolutionaryRead More →