San Francisco En Bloc surgeons

San Francisco En Bloc surgeons

En Bloc capsulectomy Los Angeles? What is en bloc capsulectomy? En bloc capsulectomy is a procedure in which the scar tissue around the implant, known as the breast capsule, is removed in one piece with the implant enclosed within it. The benefit to removing the capsule en bloc is that it prevents the implant (or implant material) from coming into contact with normal tissues left behind. This is especially useful in the case of implant rupture, but also may benefit those concerned about implant toxicity and breast implant illness. Total capsulectomy means removing the entire capsule, but not necessarily in one piece. In experienced hands, breast lift procedures can go a long way toward restoring a natural breast appearance. However, a lift creates new scars and may be associated with more surgical risk. So it’s really important to make this decision in conjunction with your surgeon, in person, so that you understand what to expect and what other patients like you have experienced.

What are the downsides of en bloc capsulectomy? Because en bloc capsulectomy involves removing the capsule of scar tissue and the breast implant in one piece, it requires a larger incision and resulting scar. The surgery itself is also more complex and lengthy. Your surgeon must carefully detach the scar capsule—which is well-attached to surrounding tissues—while limiting damage and keeping it intact. Because the implant is still inside and the surgeon has not made an incision to see into the capsule, their view is also more limited. An en bloc capsulectomy is called for when there are risks associated with opening the capsule, such as an implant rupture. In other cases, the implant and its entire capsule can be removed with a technique called complete capsulectomy. Furthermore, it’s also not always safe or practical to perform an en bloc capsulectomy. In cases where only a very thin layer of scar tissue formed around the implant or the capsule is closely fused to the chest muscle, for instance, attempting to remove the capsule intact can create more problems. See more information at

Can I get new breast implants after an en bloc capsulectomy? Understandably, many patients facing an en bloc capsulectomy for capsular contracture or implant rupture are concerned about losing the look they have become used to over time. Fortunately in most cases, a new implant can safely be placed after an en bloc capsulectomy. An alternative to having new implants placed is a technique called fat grafting. This procedure uses a patient’s own fat from elsewhere on her body and transfers it to the breast, increasing the volume and producing a more pleasing contour. Candidates for fat grafting must have enough fat to harvest, so this procedure may not be ideal for every patient. You may also benefit from a breast lift after capsulectomy and implant removal. Dr. Schwartz and his caring team are committed to helping patients achieve their ideal outcome and have a long list of available treatments, techniques, and procedures at their disposal to accomplish this. Whether you are looking to return to a more streamlined and natural contour after your capsulectomy, or you are hoping to maintain the augmented look you already had, Dr. Schwartz will tailor a custom surgical plan to best meet your goals.

“En bloc” means “as a whole,” and the term “en bloc capsulectomy” refers to removing the entire, intact scar tissue capsule with the breast implant inside as one piece. To do this, the capsule must be physically separated from surrounding tissues while the breast implant is still inside of it and then carefully removed through a large incision. En bloc capsulectomy is less common than other explantation methods but has recently become a topic of discussion online, particularly in breast implant illness forums. The phrase breast implant illness (BII) is used to describe a range of symptoms that some women with implants experience and associate with their breast implants. These women are understandably curious about the most thorough methods for having their implants removed. Discover more information on En Bloc Capsulectomy surgeons near me.