Driving schools Birmingham and driving tips

Driving schools Birmingham and driving tips

Driving instructors Leeds: Park guided by your windows and mirrors. When perpendicular parking, stop once you see the curb under the side mirror. This way the distance between the car and the curb will be minimal, and you won’t scratch the bumper. When parallel parking, make sure you don’t scratch the hubcaps. Stick a piece of colored duct tape to the bottom of the windshield. Stop once the mark matches the curb line. It’s better to parallel park in reverse: this way, the curb is visible in the side-view mirrors, so you won’t be too close to it.

Don’t assume other road users are good drivers. Part of driving defensively is also not assuming that every other driver is perfect and that they know or will stick to the rules of the road. You need to be ready for other cars to turn suddenly without using their indicator lights, to brake sharply or otherwise make unexpected or erratic movements. Most drivers on the road are competent but some are not – since you can’t know who is a good driver and who isn’t, make sure you give everyone plenty of space so you have time to take action if somebody else does something dangerous.

When it comes to driving schools in Stevenage, the RARA Driving School offer a range of services and packages to suit students of all needs and requirements. You will be joining one of the best driving schools in the Stevenage area with a reputable reputation throughout the country – to provide driving lessons near you at low prices. Our fully qualified, friendly and motivated driving instructors will put you at ease from day one as you learn from the very best instructors in the business. You will most likely be taking the test from the Stevenage Driving Test Centre near the high street with plenty of busy pedestrians and cyclists to navigate around. The lessons will make you fully prepared to handle A roads (such as the A602), the A1 motorway and lots more. The Stevenage driving instructors are fully knowledgeable of the area to make sure that your experience is the best it can be. We are proud of our high success rate with students often passing at their first attempt – so if you want to become an expert driver please get in touch. Read a few extra info at driving lessons Stevenage.

Never drive too closely behind another vehicle. You need to make sure that there is going to be plenty of room between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead of you, just in case you need to come to a fast stop. Watch the video to learn how to handle following distances correctly: If there is not enough room, chances are that you are going to end up rear-ending that vehicle, and even if the accident is the other driver’s fault, your insurance company may still raise your rates, and consider the accident to be your fault. Try to make sure that there are at least two car lengths between your vehicle and the one ahead of you. This way, you will have room if you need to stop quickly. If you are driving on snow-covered or icy roads, you should make sure there is even more room between yours and the vehicle ahead, because it will take longer to stop.

Are you willing to build a career in driving by joining a reliable transport company? Choose our intensive driving course to become a professional driver. The field can prove fruitful if you polish the driving skills. Our driving instructors can help you become an expert chauffeur. In short, with us, you can get a chance to become a part of a leading transport company. We teach you discipline, ethics, routes panning awareness, driving skills, and professional attitude in the advanced course. See more info at Driving Instructor Franchise.