Premium diabetic retinopathy solutions by Aarti Pandya MD

Premium diabetic retinopathy solutions by Aarti Pandya MD

Best lasik surgery expert advices from Aarti Pandya, MD: Aarti Pandya, MD, is a board-certified ophthalmologist who has been offering first-class eye care for over 20 years. She is committed to providing innovative medical and surgical solutions to common eye problems like dry eye, glaucoma, cataracts, age-related macular degeneration and refractive errors, and she is passionate about helping her patients attain and maintain optimal ocular health. See more info at dr. Aarti Pandya.

Cataract vision loss is a life-altering experience that impacts the simplest of everyday activities like driving your car at night or walking around on a bright sunny day. As the eye’s natural lens clouds with cataracts, the world around you can become blurred, distorted and dull. The benefits of restored vision speak for themselves. No more issues with bright lights or struggles to see the road clearly while driving at night. Colors will appear brighter and double vision will be a thing of the past. But the benefits of cataract surgery go far beyond these day-to-day lifestyle improvements.

Fortunately, diabetic retinopathy can be easily managed. Contact us today to set up a diabetic retinopathy eye exam with Dr. Aarti Pandya, or continue reading to learn more about the diabetes complication, including risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. If you have diabetes long enough, you will eventually develop some degree of diabetic retinopathy. We cannot overstate the importance of routine eye exams as the best method to protect your long-term vision health if you suffer from diabetes.

Some dry eye cases worsen during allergy season and improve throughout the year. Heavily air conditioned environments (e.g., offices) and springtime allergies can also worsen dry eye. In any case, if you experience constant irritation and other bothersome symptoms from dry eye constantly, we can discuss your treatment options with you. For more severe cases of dry eye, our vision experts may recommend the following: Prescription eye drops (Restasis or Xiidra), which lubricate eyes and reduce inflammation associated with dry eye syndrome; Antibiotics or tear-stimulating drugs; Punctal plugs to prevent tear drainage; Intense pulsed light therapy, a non-surgical procedure to slow the evaporation of tears.

Glaucoma is a serious eye condition that can irreversibly damage vision. It is the leading cause of blindness for people over the age of 60 and can often progress without any noticeable symptoms. In fact, of the nearly 3 million Americans who have glaucoma, it’s estimated that only 50 percent are aware they have the condition. This puts 1.5 million Americans at risk of permanent glaucoma vision loss. There are other, less common types of glaucoma including normal-tension glaucoma, congenital glaucoma and secondary glaucoma. Through comprehensive eye testing that measures peripheral vision, the pressure in your eye, optic nerve health, the thickness of your cornea and fluid drainage, our glaucoma specialists can identify your specific type and develop a custom treatment plan designed to save your vision.